Was Canada Too Boring for Queen Elizabeth II?
Queen Elizabeth of England is coming to New York City! And good thing, too, because she seems to have been really bored in Canada, where she just spent eight days. At least, according to these photographs.
How boring is Canada? Is it boring enough to bore a person whose job it is to go to boring events, all the time? These Getty photos of Queen Elizabeth II of England's trip to the Land of Bieber indicate: Maybe!
Queen Elizabeth, who is basically a real queen, except no beheading, just finished her eight-day tour of Canada, America's goody-two-shoes brother. And, she did not exactly seem riveted. You may have seen her be bored by wigwams, dancing, and men in lab coats.
But those were not the only things that the British monarch was unable to feign interest in on her trip! Using the magic of highly-prejudicial photo selection, we were able to demonstrate that not even the Queen of England, who owns all of Canada, or something, is interested in the place that gave us Degrassi.
[Pics via Getty]

The Queen in Canada
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Canada, the Canadian flag, flags in general, iconography, the concept of nationhood

The Queen visits the Museum of Nature
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Wolverines, taxidermy, animals, the natural world, death

The Queen visits the Museum of Nature
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Bones, museums, whales, the human desire to catalog and exhibit

The Queen visits a traditional Mi'kmaq wigwam
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Wigwams, tours, alternative dwelling structures, Maslow's hierarchy of needs

The Queen visits the Mi'kmaq people
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: The Mi'kqmaq people, Native American culture, photo ops, headdresses, Canadian weather, the common threads that bind humanity together as a single race

The Queen unveils a statue of jazz pianist Oscar Peterson in front of the National Arts Centre
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Statues, jazz pianist Oscar Peterson, jazz, pianos, the unveiling of things, the National Arts Centre, arts

The Queen and Prince Phillip watch performers on Parliament Hill
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Canadian music, the return of the porkpie hat, blazers worn with jeans

The Queen and Prince Phillip watch performers on Parliament Hill
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Dancing, music, sexuality, leather pants, her husband

The Queen visits Blackberry manufacturers Research in Motion
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Computers, lab coats, Blackberries, mobile phones, communication in general, technology, the inexorable forward march of progress

The Queen attended the races at Woodbine Racetrack
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Horses, races, jockeys, gambling, competition

The Queen sits at her table for lunch during a visit to Government House
What the Queen Is Bored By in This Photograph: Existence