John Fitzgerald Page, the Worst Person in the World, recently re-entered our lives by trying to extort $1,000 from a 19-year-old actress. She's escaped! But other actors represented by Page's talent agency haven't been so lucky.

Last week, Page sent a threatening email to a 19 year-old actress (we'll call her "Rebecca") after she revealed to a bunch of actresses that his Atlanta-based agency, Modern Models Inc, was more or less a scam. He gave her three options: "APOLOGIZE/SETTLE/GET SUED." She neither apologized, nor gave him the $1,000 he demanded by the deadline of midnight on Sunday. So did she GET SUED?

Since we published Page's absurd demands last week, "He hasn't said a thing to me," Rebecca told us. After reading our post, a local attorney offered to defend her pro bono against any legal action Page takes. Rebecca and the attorney are in the process of writing up a formal letter to Page letting him know that he has no case against her. Rebecca says she just wants to be done with Page, though her attorney is pushing for her to sue him.

Rebecca's heading to Europe in a couple weeks to start a stint as an au pair. In his email, Page warned that leaving the country would not protect her from getting sued for revealing how shitty his talent agency is. "I can have my council [sic] call the State Department, and get you on the "no fly" list, as you are leaving the country to avoid a lawsuit," he wrote. "I can also have immigration contacted to have your passport revoked/reviewed." So far, no black helicopters have descended on Rebecca's house to take away her passport.

It looks like Rebecca has deflected John Fitzgerald Page's dick-missile. But some young aspiring actors haven't been so lucky. On the website for Page's talent agency, there is a section called "deadbeats." Here, Page calls out the "deadbeats" who were smart enough to not let him bilk them out of 20 percent of their acting fees. Brian, who owes an unpaid commission of "$25.32", must be ruing the day he ever crossed paths with John Fitzgerald Page, Mensa Member and Ivy League grad. (Click to enlarge.)

We've contacted Page for comment several times now, but have yet to hear back. We'll be sure to let you know if and when he responds.


World's Worst Person Tries to Extort 19-Year-Old Girl