Everyone in Washington wants constant sex with Congressman Aaron Schock, 29, because his shirt is usually either off or purply-pink, with a neon teal belt. Today, the New York Times asks him, what's it like being Illinois' hot sex representative?

Aaron Schock loves to hang out with the kids.

"I think D.C. is becoming kind of a cool place to be, and so as a young person coming to Congress last year, it's been fun for me," he said in an interview in his fifth-floor suite in the Cannon House Office Building. "I'm not only getting to do the job that I ran for office to do, but I think I'm also getting to participate in the new D.C., if you will." [...]

"I enjoy the new restaurants, I enjoy some of the social events I've been invited to, and I think my age has allowed me into some of those activities," he said. "I'm on people's minds."

That's nice. But back to the topic: gay gay gay gay, gay, gay gay gay?

As for his personal life, Mr. Schock is single and opposed to gay marriage, and he has told reporters that he is not gay. In the interview in his office, he mentioned a former girlfriend. He also said that while he is passionate about all issues, the social ones are "not what compelled me to run for office."

"Your belief system tends to be a function of how you were raised," Mr. Schock said. "Being raised in the Midwest and in a relatively conservative household, my views were shaped by my upbringing, by my Christian faith."

So, how did he feel about joining the ranks of Liza Minnelli and Lady Gaga as a gay icon, albeit for the Washington set?

He was quick to dismiss the frenzy, saying the pictures were just a distraction. As for those who admire his physique, "If they're in my district, I'll take votes wherever I can get them," he said. "Who knew I could get this much attention with my shirt on?"

This guy is lethal.