Florida State Representative's Campaign Jingle Is 2010's Song of Summer
Warning: If you watch this video, a campaign song about Florida State Rep. Mike Weinstein, you will be hearing "Mike! Mike! Mike Weinstein!" all day. It's just that catchy. He should be president! Bonus: There's breakdancing, too.
Mike Weinstein is running for re-election to whatever office he holds in Florida. Ah, he represents District 19 in the Florida House. Right right right, "WeinSTEIN," "nineTEEN," etc.
This song, which will probably be No. 1 on the charts in every country by the end of the day, was written and performed by Mike Weinstein's son, who apparently has "pulled a Bob Dylan" and changed his last name to "Leigh" in order to become a rich and famous entertainer.
Scott Leigh is the greatest entertainer of all, according to Mike, Mike, Mike Weinstein, whom the Daily Caller interviewed today:
Weinstein's son Scott, who goes by his stage name Scott Leigh and runs his own entertainment company, produced the campaign ad. Leigh said he approached his father to do the ad because he had the experience and ability to do it at a low cost to the campaign."I know some people in the biz and really our only big costs were the cameraman and rental of the venue." Leigh explained further, "He isn't an R&B or Hip Hop kind of guy, but we needed to shake it up so we went with rock."
Leigh wrote, produced, choreographed and danced the lead in the music video. "I used to sing and dance all over the country," he said. "I am a very artsy person and I was able to do a lot with this video."
"He was always a great dancer," Weinstein said of his son. "He wrestled in school but got back into entertainment as an adult…all you have to do is give him a topic and he will write a song!"
Why isn't Scott Leigh the one running for something?
This is the song that "Hillary4U&Me" could never be.
[via Andrew Sullivan]