Here's a trailer for Jack Goes Boating, Phillip Seymour Hoffman's directorial debut, based on the Off-Broadway play he starred in a few years ago. It could also be called Sad, Lost Losers In Love.

Look at the dreadlocks and the snow and the weird words about space and, glug, boating! While the play was well-reviewed back in 2007, this movie just seems a bit... full. Full of that pop-mystical New York wistiness that's begun to seem a bit dated all of a sudden. Amy Ryan is never not fantastic, and the same goes for Hoffman. And John Ortiz is a reliably powerful stage performer who doesn't do a ton of film, so that should be interesting. Plus it's always good to see ol' Mimi Marquez herself, Daphne Rubin-Vega, doing some work, so that's exciting. But all told? This trailer leaves me feeling a little cold. And not because of the snow or sallow, chlorine-tinted pool water. But because all that emotion sure seems like a lot of a work.