Tony Hayward Gets the Full-on TMZ Treatment

The New York Times has another boring article today about the economic impact of the oil spill. But TMZ has its priorities straight: Why was BP CEO Tony Hayward chilling with a hot woman who wasn't his wife in Texas?
TMZ spotted Hayward and a smoking hot brunette at a bar in Houston, Texas last month watching the USA vs. England world cup game and totally not working on fixing the oil spill. Through an in-depth investigation, TMZ proved that it was in fact Tony Hayward, but the woman was not his wife. In one picture it sort of looks like he's grabbing the woman's ass!
Also, TMZ must have dug through the trash or something, because they turned up Tony's receipt. He ordered 2 cranberry juices, shrimp fajitas and fish & chips.
We're going to be nostalgic for the days when millions of gallons of oil were gushing into the gulf once the inevitable Tony Hayward sextape drops.