Last week, a jaw-dropping phone recording of Mel Gibson using the N-word surfaced online. Today, a second recording emerges: Eight minutes of Gibson threatening to kill ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva and saying she "fucking deserved" to be punched in the face.

[Warning: This recording contains lots of profanity, so turn down your speakers or put your headphones on.]

The recording appears to be another phone altercation between Gibson and ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, the mother of one of his children. "Shut the fuck up, you should just fucking smile and blow me, because I deserve it," he rants. Grigorieva confronts Gibson about "hitting a woman," and he seems to affirm the accusation—then threatens to kill her.

Oksana: You almost killed us, did you forget?
Mel: Boo-hoo-hoo [mocking] that was [indecipherable] fucking gravy train
Oksana: What kind of a man is that? Hitting a woman when she's holding a child in her hands? Breaking her teeth twice in the face! What kind of man is that?
Mel: Oh, you're all angry now? You know what, you fucking deserved it.
Oksana: You're going to answer one day, boy, you're going to answer.
Mel: Huh?
Oksana: Bad.
Mel: What? What? You threatening me?
Oksana: Nothing, nothing, I'm not the one to threaten.
Mel: I'll threaten ya, I'll put you in a fucking rose garden, you cunt! You understand that? Because I'm capable of it. You understand that?

Gibson repeatedly says he'll "come over there." He tells Grigorieva "you have no fucking soul." He calls her "a little girl with a fucking dysfunctional cunt." At one point he admits "My career is over" and "I have no friends." It's terrifying and sad from beginning to end. [Radar]


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