The British Ministry of Defence just upped the ante in the race to build the best killer robot with a stealth, intercontinental drone named after the Celtic god of thunder, Taranis. American Predator and Reaper drones look like bitches now.

In what could effectively put America's famed drone fleet into the same category as the Yugo, the Ministry of Defence's Taranis prototype cost £142.5 million and over three years to build. It boasts stealth technology and can travel at jet speeds with a large payload, meaning this baby can kill and maim at lightning speed without the need for a nearby base or any sort of accountability. Or, as we like to say in America... win-win! According to the Telegraph, the Minister for International Security Strategy, Gerald Howarth, said: ''Taranis is a truly trailblazing project." Trailblazing indeed. Also, Argentina might want to STFU about the Falklands right now.

[Image via MoD]