She's now found a sexy guy to enable her bad behavior. This reality star got so wasted she passed out on the floor of the liquor store, and this publicist is ratting out her druggie clients. Everyone is a mess.

1. "This singer is on the fast track to Lohanville. She has potential but had been spending her time off stage in the bottom of empty bottles. Now she has hooked up with a guy who is sexy but who is also going to be her tour guide into the dark side. She spent her 4th Of July in a hotel room barely coherent while he spent her money finding more drugs for them to do." [Blind Gossip]

2. "This very outspoken D list celebutante and former reality star is a big drinker, but I really thought she could handle her booze better than this. On a recent late night run for more booze, our D lister was so hammered that she puked in the parking lot and then, passed out on the floor of the store. An assistant manager was sent out to the parking lot to find our D lister's driver who carried her out to the waiting car." [CDaN]

3. "Which publicist is selling stories about her clients behind their backs because she hates them so much? But they are all too strung out on drugs to realize." UK Mirror]