The third prong of Mel Gibson's phone-recorded self-immolation has arrived. A phone call in which he uses the word "wetback"—as well as calls Oksana Grigorieva a "cunt," "bitch," "whore," and every other abusive epithet in the books—has surfaced.

[Warning: This recording contains lots of profanity, so turn down your speakers or put your headphones on.]

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We've already heard Gibson use the N-word and threaten the rape of Grigorieva, his ex-girlfriend; we've heard him threaten to kill Grigorieva and admit to punching her in the face while she held their daughter in her arms. In this recording, the former lovers fight over money—specifically, over whether Grigorieva should fire a certain employee, whose name has been scrubbed from this recording to protect her privacy. Gibson flings a racial epithet during the fight:

I will fire [name redacted] if she's at your house. I will make it known and fire her. I'll report her to the fucking people that take the fucking money from the wetbacks, ok?

Grigorieva, whose contributions to the phone conversations have so far been minimal, goes on a small rant of her own, saying she lost her identity while with Gibson. When he accuses her of wasting his money, she turns the accusation back at him:

You made me moneyless. I used to have hundred thousand dollars a year when you met me. You took me, you possessed me, everything I am, you own me, with my liver and my kidneys and my thoughts and my soul, everything. My career—or whatever it is—pathetic career—whatever it is—is yours, you control me, like marionette, I don't belong to myself, only to you. I can't do anything and I walk on eggshells always with you.

[Radar Online]


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