This feature will introduce you to our fantastic team of bright and eager interns. This week in the "get to know an intern" spotlight is Angelito Yambao Jr.

How did you learn about the Gawker.TV internship program?
I was always a frequent visitor of Kotaku, Gizmodo, and Gawker and it just so happened that my friend stumbled upon the ad first and he emailed it to me.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
"King of the world!" Seriously though, I've always wanted to work in Media and Entertainment. I love writing, editing text and video, and filming so naturally something in Media, Social Media, or News (preferably entertainment or sports) would be ideal.

What is your all time favorite TV Show?
Without a doubt I would have to say Saved By the Bell.

What is your favorite post on Gawker.TV?
I love the Fail and Prank posts as well as all the post that introduce me to various shows that I normally don't watch.

What experiences did you hope to gain from this internship?
I was hoping to learn new things within the field of media as well as expand on my previous knowledge and body of work.

Did your Gawker.TV internship live up to your expectations? How so?
Going in I wasn't quite sure what to expect. You're always nervous your first day and even your first week, but after speaking to the rest of the interns and the staff I felt very comfortable. I learned a lot and met some amazing people, suffice to say that this internship has exceeded my expectations.

Was there something in particular that you learned from this internship that you didn't know before you started?
I would have to say I didn't know how extremely important Social Media was to promoting your work and news until this internship. I knew it existed and that I use it often, (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but all the ins and outs to which it has become an integral part of our culture really blew my mind.

What has been your favorite part about your internship?
The best part for me was the fact that I can honestly say that while most people wake up and dread the fact that they have to get up and go to work, I on the other hand looked forward to it.

What skills do you feel you've gained as a result of this internship?
Video editing was something that I loved to do while I was in college as a Media major. Unfortunately when I switched to Journalism I never got the chance to do any video editing, so to come here and re-learn it was a welcome and much needed experience.

What was the biggest surprise you encountered interning at Gawker.TV?
I would have to say how much I enjoyed just being at the office and working. Sure you can call me a workaholic but like I said before it's pretty rare to be at a place working or interning while actually enjoying what you're doing. Isn't that what we all want?

How does this internship differ from any other previous internships you might have had in the past?
I've only interned at one other place, which was Spike TV. The biggest difference for me was the fact that I was the only intern at the time at Spike and here at Gawker.TV there is quite a few of us.

If you could, would you intern here all over again?
Absolutely, without a doubt.

Would you recommend interning for Gawker.TV to others?
I already have.

Do you have any tips or advice you would give future Gawker.TV interns?
Yes, make sure your cardio is in good shape cause you're going to be walking up some steep steps just to get to the office.

Do you have any ideas on how we can improve the internship program?
It's been a real pleasure so I really couldn't say if improvements are needed.

What do you hope to do once you finish your internship?
I hope to find a job that I actually like as much as this internship.

Any regrets?
I never regret anything.

Follow Angelito on Twitter @Planet_Awesome, on tumblr, and email him here.

If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Gawker.TV send an email to for more information.