Everyone's Proposing Marriage on Twitter Now

British entrepreneur Dawson King successfully proposed to his fiancée on Twitter with the romantic words, "http://yfrog.com/jkdkrnj." Awww.
King might be the first to upload a picture of his ring for his microblogged marriage overture, but he's hardly the first to nab an engagement via Twitter. Let's not forget San Francisco web designer Max Kiesler, who in 2008 tweeted, " "To @emilychang – After fifteen years of blissful happiness I would like to ask for your hand in marriage?" A couple of weeks earlier, an Adobe software marketer got engaged with, : "@stefsull – ok. for the rest of the twitter-universe (and this is a first, folks) – WILL YOU MARRY ME?" Three's a trend! And we can't help but figure there must have been some quietly deleted #proposalfails along the way as well, from less happy couples.
So this is now an Acceptable, Legitimate Thing To Do, if you're into public intimacy and can boil your love down to 140 characters. Personally, we'd need a full blog entry to express our love for a future spouse, but don't let that stop you, we're not trying to be underminey (too much).