Last night was Gawker.TV's first ever TV trivia night, and if you were there you'd know that it exceeded even the wildest of expectations for sheer awesomeness. If you weren't there, these photos should entice you for next time.

Our trivia mistress Luca gave one last scrutinizing stare at her questions before the fun began

Answer sheets were passed out and the teams got set for mayhem

Our precious MC Kirk got the party started with the first round of Nickelodeon questions. I DO remember Alex Mack, but what turned her into an inhuman monster?

DJ Frankenmack spun some sick tunes and played the "theme song" category, which stumped the heck out of my team.

Mike tried to get some answers from Luca with an hilarious joke (pretty epic fail)

Cassie and friends are deep in thought, or trying to look good for a picture.

My own team of angels were clutch all night long. Allegations of Farris cheating via Blackberry were met with no comment. (She was texting!)

Another in the "deep thoughts" category finds Lissette's team struggling for answers

Alison had the right idea, while Devon decided to be bashful and also show me all her team's answers.

Jon and Vanessa show that we can all be friends, despite our fierce trivia rivalries

Mike Jordan and Deadspin's David Matthews discuss the finer points of Homer Simpson's aliases, which was a major stumper for the night

A flurry of activity mid-round

Eleni and Genevieve came up with a brilliant beer-labeling tactic: Labeling your beer!

Miethner was pretty stoked about the flying glowstick on a string she picked up. Don't worry, this event did not turn into a rave

Kirk was able to take a break to pose for some nice ones

Everyone had his/her thinking cap on

Lissette doing some last minute checks on the answer sheet, while Nick and Devon deal with my nosy camerawork

Co-trivia Mastermind Chen, Miethner, Erica, and Jon pose while omnipresent Kirk wonders when he can start again

This team was really dominant, and I can't believe they didn't win... they even knew some obscure Real World question

And although we are all winners, Team Party Down Syndrome were the actual winners by winning the evening's festivities. As Kirk said, they won "absolutely %$^&ing nothing!" Legend has it that this team is so good that they don't show up on film.