House Ethics Committee To Put Rangel on Trial

While nothing short of a mobilized Allied army seems capable of forcing Rep. Charlie Rangel out of Congress, the House ethics committee will charge him with official ethics violations, essentially setting up a trial — the first in eight years.
The violations have not been officially filed yet, so the specific violations they're pursuing out of his career's 10 billion worth aren't fully clear. Probably related to this stuff, though, which people who've followed Rangel's investigation are quite familiar with:
The committee had been investigating claims that Mr. Rangel improperly rented four rent-stabilized apartments in Harlem at a price well below market value, despite rules forbidding House members from accepting gifts worth more than $50.
It also had been investigating allegations that he improperly used his office to provide legislative favors for an oil-drilling company that pledged a $1 million donation for an academic center named for Mr. Rangel and improperly failed to report taxable income received from a villa he owns in the Dominican Republic.
Maybe we'll get something else, though? Something a little more blog-friendly? Sex, maybe?