Guy In a Darth Vader Costume Holds Up Bank

It's finally happened: A guy wearing a Darth Vader costume robbed a bank in New York. A mask: cape, chest-piece, everything. What's most amazing is that this didn't happen at Comic-Con.
According to the New York Post, a man walked into a Long Island bank dressed in a full Darth Vader costume.
The get-up struck one customer as so funny that he started joshing with the Darth Robber after he strode into the Chase bank in Setauket.
"The customer thought it might have been a joke, and not a serious attempt at a robbery," said Suffolk County police Detective Sgt. William Lamb.
But Darth wasn't kidding - and he wasn't going to be stopped by a non-Jedi Knight.
He won a "shoving match" against the incredulous customer before using his piece to order him to the floor, Lamb said.
The man got the money and is currently at large. Maybe police should try to follow the Dorito crumbs back to his mom's basement. (Via DailyIntel)