Here's incredible South Carolina Democratic Senate candidate Alvin Greene's YouTube song, (allegedly) written, produced and edited by the candidate [Updated below]. It's got LeBron James highlights, lyrics about not showing porn to college girls, you name it. Just watch.

Update: Alvin Greene didn't make it. The Shirley Sherrod episode has taught this nation's media nothing! Hmm, which correction to choose from... let's go with the New York Times version:

Correction: Alvin Greene tells us that he did not make this video - but he's thrilled with it.

"That's a hit video isn't it?," he said when reached at his home in Manning. Asked if he made it, he hemmed and said: "No, we didn't do that, but it's good enough to pass on." CNN says a producer in San Francisco named Jay Friedman made the video, inspired by a group of friends who were "goofing off."

Update: We've just heard from Justin Cass, a 23-year-old freelance copywriter who lives in Brooklyn, who made the Alvin Greene video (he says Mr. Friedman wrote the music). The two are Twitter friends, fascinated by Mr. Greene and what he says is "the big unanswered question" of how he won the Democratic primary.