Two Norwegian journalists were arrested yesterday for photographing the presumed site of Chelsea Clinton's nuptials. Police are now "working with the U.S. Secret Service" to secure Rhinebeck's Astor Estate which means—OMG!—the wedding's almost definitely happening there, after all.

Arrested journalists Thomas Bjorn Nilsson and Kjerste Sortland are currently facing charges for trespassing, and will appear in court in August. They visited Astor Estate on assignment for Oslo's Verdens Gang newspaper—little did they know that the Chelsea Clinton wedding lockdown has already begun, one week ahead of the "I do" date.

State police Maj. Michael A. Kopy said officers will be diligent about keeping the estate secure.

"We're aware of the visit by the former president of the United States and are working with the U.S. Secret Service as we do with all visits by protectees of the Secret Service," Kopy said. "We're responding to calls (around the estate). Anybody who is located on the grounds of the estate will be arrested and prosecuted."

The real news, though, is that if the Secret Service is involved, then Chelsea's wedding is almost definitely happening in Rhinebeck. Previously reports were mixed, with some speculating that Rhinebeck was merely a decoy location to throw the paparazzi off Chelsea's trail—but it's a little elaborate to lie about Secret Service involvement for a decoy, right? Anyway, the punishment for trespassing in New York is up to 15 days in jail and/or a fine of $250. So only do it if the tabloid you string for makes a four-figure offer. [AP, image via Getty]

Previously: Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Day: Confusion Reigns