Christopher Stone publicly threatened to release nude pictures of a 19-year-old girl if she didn't stop talking to his friend. Five months later, he appeared in a news report calmly warning teens about the dangers of "sextortion."

[There was a video here]

In an investigative report shown on LA's Fox 11 July 8th, reporter Phil Shuman explores the scary new phenomenon called "sextortion":

A new type of blackmail is trapping teenagers, especially those who have sent provocative pictures to friends. Hackers are stealing those photos and threatening their senders.

The segment was part of a "FOX 11 Investigates" piece, but they obviously did not do any investigation into their sextortion "expert," 31-year-old Christopher Stone. Stone owns the sleazy teen gossip site StickyDrama, and the even sleazier amateur porn site And any expertise Stone has in sextortion comes from his own attempts at bullying a teenaged girl into silence by threatening to release topless pictures of her.

On February 7, he tweeted at a 19-year-old girl, "Message him again, and your floppy titties are spammed all over the place. Last warning."

The tweet is now deleted, but the girl at whom at whom it was directed confirms its authenticity. According to the girl—we'll call her Sarah—the link included in the tweet was to a underaged topless picture she had sent to a friend a couple years ago. Stone had somehow got hold of it, and when he wanted her to stop talking to a mutual friend he tweeted the picture and threatened to distribute "all over the place," presumably via one of his websites.

Eventually, Stone took down the picture to "cover his ass," Sarah says. But she says he still holds the picture over her head to keep her from speaking with their friend.

"I've been getting threats that he still has those pictures, and if I talk to anyone about it or stick my nose into anything then he'll release them," Sarah says.

In preparing their sextortion piece, Fox 11 reporter Phil Shuman and producer Martin Burns missed the fact that Stone is an unbelievable scumbag and an accomplished sextortionist himself. (Burns is up for an Emmy this year for a different story. Maybe this was just an off day?) They tapped Stone as their expert, and he somehow kept a straight face while describing to them exactly what he did to Sarah.

"You force them to do more and more and more. And then when they refuse, you take all your massive collection and throw it out for everyone to see anyway."

Talking about Stone, Sarah says:

"He scares me shitless. He's got so much stuff on me that I'm afraid to say anything—he'll take anything he can to smash you."

Sarah says she's not the only teen Stone has intimidated with the threat of releasing compromising photos or information, and we've heard plenty other similar stories. Pretty despicable! Even for a guy who watched a live-streamed rape and blogged about it but forgot to report it to police.

Update: Sarah clarifies that the picture Chris tweeted was taken and sent to her friend about a week after her 18th birthday. So Chris was legally being a horrible person.


StickyDrama: The Teen Gossip Site Run By a 31-Year-old Pornographer
StickyDrama's Owner Recorded a Live-Streamed Rape and Blogged About It—But Didn't Report It