Who should be Tennessee's next governor? Why not this fellow? His name is Basil Marceax ("dot com") and if you vote for him he will "immune you from all state crimes for the rest of you life."

One of the great, beautiful, hilarious things about democracy is that genuinely insane people are allowed to run for political office. (In America, we give them a whole political party!) And so we have Basil Marceaux (dot com), currently running for the Republican nomination for governor of the great state of Tennessee:

I Basil Marceaux Sr. as a Force Recon Marine is the first Freedmen's Bureau Agent/ Great Man of 2008 who is asking for your support and vote for the following republican prosition:

U.S.Senate of Zack wamp in 2010

Make the Court system, Congess, Army, Navy ,Air Force to Fly the same flag as the Marine Corp which is the three color U.S. Flag.

Make sure that if national insurance is put in place, I will make sure the roots of such bill with not inclued any type measuring of the waist like other counties. quoted on 1/3/09

That video is from Marceaux (dot com)'s terrific, invigorating appearance on Tennessee's WSMV-TV, where he made a resounding call to "remove all goldfinch flags from the state." Wonkette has done some legwork investigating Candidate Marceaux (dot com)'s positions. But really, as a voting member of this republic, you should visit his personal website—in particular the section "WHAT IMPORTANT," which includes such important things as "budget."

[Basil Marceaux for Governor via Wonkette]