Tainted milk is so last season. The latest Chinese product recall is a magazine. After a GQ story about spoiled twenty-somethings drew lawsuits and questions about journalistic ethics, the mag yanked issues from the shelves. Business Insider explains why.

A feature on spoiled Chinese twenty-somethings led to the recall of the July issue of the Chinese edition of GQ, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Though nobody can confirm exactly why, the magazine was quietly taken off the newsstands only a day after its release.

A Global Times article about the recall, which claimed that the founder of Beijing's Sports Car Club, who was featured in the piece, threatened to sue GQ over the story because he was allegedly not informed the interview was being recorded, was also taken down on Friday.

The piece—"Super Kids Driving Luxury Cars"—was high on elitist materialism and low on empathy, according to various reports.

As The Wall Street Journal put it:

The way GQ tells it, their main concerns are luxury cars, the latest fashions and whose father has the most money."

The piece is full of the kind of elitist comments that drive many Chinese up the wall. One man met an attractive woman and wanted to hang out—until he realized her car was "five years out of fashion."

"Secondhand goods," he said, losing interest immediately.

A GQ editor decline to comment on the article or the recall, though as The Wall Street Journal reports, newsstand owners confirmed that the issue was recalled and replaced, and, "the front page of the new July GQ now lists 'Middle Class Children' as one of its top articles."

Republished with permission from BusinessInsider.com. Authored by Antonina Jedrzejczak. Photo via GQ.com.cn.