Following reports that Levi Johnston's ex-girlfriend's been knocked up, Bristol Palin has stopped speaking to her fiance, communicating with him solely via text message while he cavorts in California with the sexy daughter of a former pro-football star.

In this episode of The Wasilla Hillbillies, an unplanned pregnancy drives the star-crossed lovers apart—and Levi into the arms of a sexy Minnesotan songstress.

Though Levi insists ex-girlfriend Lanesia Garcia's baby isn't his, "Levi is one of three possible fathers who were with Lanesia during the probable week of conception," reports Radar. A Palin publicist says Bristol is now having doubts about her wedding to young Levi:

A rep for the Palin family, however, told exclusively that "no official decision has been made."

The rep added that Levi and Bristol are still talking only "by text message."

Salt in bereft Bristol's wound: Levi is currently in Los Angeles preparing to star in a music video with singer Brittani Senser, daughter of former Minnesota Viking Joe Senser. (And thus yet another well-born wilder-babe of the northern tundra. Levi's got a "type.") With three women competing for Levi's attention, who will the young buck pick? Will the glitz and glamour of Los Angeles show business go to his head? All this and more, on the next episode of The Wasilla Hillbilles. These are the Wasillans of our lives. [Radar, NYPost, images via and]