She refused to sleep with him and then said she makes more money than him. This actor doesn't want execs changing anything about his pilot, and this actress trashed her agent's house. Nice work if you can get it.

1. "This former B list comedy actor and now a C on a good day was at a party with some actresses from a foreign country. He went up to one and started giving her a line about how he could help her career and basically hitting on her nonstop. The actress, a B+ television star in England (she did do the show that everyone in England does) told our actor that if he was her best hope for breaking into America that she would quit the business. She also told him how much she made the year before which is about four times what our loser actor earned." [CDaN]

2. "Not every show that goes to pilot gets picked up for a network commitment. Even for the ones that do get picked up, it's not uncommon to change the title, change the showrunner, change the characters, or change the talent. This experienced TV actor, however, is taking the pilot shuffle very personally. The executives at one network can't figure out what to do with the show in which he stars, and are simply exploring new opportunities. Although our actor is not in charge of the show, he feels very responsible for its cast and crew, and is taking the changes personally. In fact, he recently left an expletive-laden voicemail for network executives letting them know what he thinks about the changes to "his" show. With all his experience, you would think he would be better at negotiating." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This almost almost former A lister on television from a very hit show who is now just a very tall C list television and movie actress got really drunk a few weeks ago and destroyed her agent's house. Surprisingly though, even though she has not worked much, caused about $20K in damage in the house he did not drop her as a client. Could be because she is sleeping with his married boss." [CDaN]