Today at Gawker.TV, Will Ferrell and David Letterman hop in bed together, Stephen Colbert thinks he's gay, The Bachelorette finale, talkin' politics with Basil Marceaux, and Whoopi Goldberg attacks Radar Online for releasing the now-infamous Mel Gibson tapes.

Whoopi Goldberg Lambasts Radar's Decision to Release Mel Gibson Tapes
Today The View welcomed Radar Online's David Perel to discuss the site's exclusive Oksana Grigoviera/Mel Gibson tape scandal. In this clip, watch Whoopi give Perel the third degree after Perel insists that the site was just "reporting the news."

The Bachelorette Finale: Well, at Least We Have Our Monday Nights Back
The big finale of The Bachelorette aired last night and what happened wasn't that much of a surprise. Parents were met, tears were shed, and an engagement happened at the episode. What did it take to get there? Details inside.

Will Ferrell Gets into Bed With David Letterman After a Bassoon Serenade
On the Late Show, Will Ferrell informed Dave of next project-taking over Catherine Zeta-Jones' role on Broadway. Skeptical? Watch this "impromptu" performance complete with a bassoon and finale consisting of the host and Ferrell in bed together.

Stephen Colbert is the Gayest Member of his Staff
Confused as to why GLAAD did not find his punditry offensive, Colbert examined his crew and discovered that he avoided GLAAD's wrath due to his love of Bud Light Lime.

Basil Marceaux Talks America With Jimmy Kimmel
The campaign trail took Tennessee gubernatorial candidate Basil Marceaux to Jimmy Kimmel Live! to explain his platform. Marceaux discussed the Second Amendment, the death penalty, buying votes, and future plans if Tennessee does not embrace him in the upcoming election.