This week, our "Meet a Gawker.TV Intern" series focuses on Tom Dobrowolski, another one of our fantastic team of summer interns.

How did you learn about the Gawker.TV internship program?
Browsing through the main Gawker page, i came across a post that said they were looking for Gawker.TV interns. I replied to the author and an interview was set up soon after.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Isn't this a question you ask kids in the second grade? Hmmm, maybe a second grade teacher then.

What is your all time favorite TV Show?
Either The Shield or Sealab 2021. This is like Sophie's Choice all over again.

What is your favorite post on Gawker.TV?
I would have to say my first post. Just to know that people are seeing your work gives you a certain kind of excitement.

Did your Gawker.TV internship live up to your expectations? How so?
Not only did it live up to my expectations, it far exceeded them. I originally thought i would be doing menial work like getting coffee or faxing papers. I was told that's not the case in the first few minutes of my interview. Thankfully, this internship actually teaches you how to apply your skills rather than waste them working in the mail room.

Was there something in particular that you learned from this internship that you didn't know before you started?
I had no idea how important social media networking is. I have never considered Facebook or Twitter as essential tools in the workplace but that is very much the case in this industry.

What has been your favorite part about your internship?
Getting to know people, both at and outside of work. The meet ups and company events provide a great opportunity for this.

What skills do you feel you've gained as a result of this internship?
I would have to say video editing is the most prominent skill I acquired. Seeing as how I had little prior experience using a Mac, there was a lot to take in initially but the process is actually pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

What was the biggest surprise you encountered interning at Gawker.TV?
The free range interns have to pitch their ideas. The editors are genuinely interested in what you are doing and so are the readers.

How does this internship differ from any other previous internships you might have had in the past?
I never interned for another company so this is a 100% improvement.

If you could, would you intern here all over again?
I don't see why not.

Would you recommend interning for Gawker.TV to others?

Do you have any tips or advice you would give future Gawker.TV interns?
Don't wear a dress shirt and tie to your interview, you'll stick out like a sore thumb.

Do you have any ideas on how we can improve the internship program?
The only thing i can think of is spending a little more time on teaching the whole video capture process.

What do you hope to do once you finish your internship?
Hopefully, I will be able to land a full-time job in a similar field.

Any regrets?
Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention.

Follow Tom on Twitter @KeithDavidMorse, on tumblr, and email him here.

If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Gawker.TV send an email to for more information.