Actress Mia Farrow today took the stand in the trial of former Liberian dictator Charles Taylor and contradicted what Naomi Campbell claimed last week, saying Campbell told her she had received a "huge diamond" from Taylor.

Last week, Naomi Campbell told the Special Court for Sierra Leone in the Hague that she had received "dirty looking stones" by two men one night in South Africa in 1997. She said she didn't know who the stones were from, or that they were diamonds. But Mia Farrow was there, too, and recalls breakfast the next morning with a different take than Campbell. From the Guardian:

What I remember is Naomi Campbell... said that in the night she had been awakened, some men were knocking at the door. They had been sent by Charles Taylor and they were giving a huge diamond," Ms Farrow said.

"And she said that she intended to give the diamond to Nelson Mandela's children's charity."

She was asked to clarify whether Taylor was mentioned by name:

Who said the diamonds came from Charles Taylor?" Farrow is asked directly by the prosecutor. "Naomi Campbell's" Farrow says.

Oops! Campbell last week said she had been through so much and that "I didn't really want to be here. I just want to get this over with and get on with my life, this is a big inconvenience for me." She must have really been dealing with a lot of stress, because her testimony doesn't add up. But such is the hard life of a cellphone throwing supermodel!

[Images via AP]