One of the Arizona fugitives thought to be hiding in Yellowstone Park was arrested yesterday while hitchiking with a 9mm pistol. But the last of three prison escapees is still on the run with his fiancee/cousin, presumably in northern Montana.

Tracy Province, one of three fugitives who escaped from an Arizona medium security prison on July 30, was caught in the small Wyoming town of Meeteetse. He was arrested hitchiking, holding a pistol and a sign asking for a ride to Cody, Wyoming. Province told police he was relieved to have been caught. That leaves only John McCluskey and his fiancee/cousin Casslyn Welch on the loose, like an incestuous Bonnie and Clyde. They are thought to be in the area of Glacier National Park in northern Montana.

And the cop clichés have been irresistible, as proven by U.S. Marshal David Gonzales at a press conference yesterday:

Rest assured, we are going to be on McCluskey like a cheap suit. We are not going to pull this thing down."

And then they'll cuff hm and stuff him and throw away the key, because crime doesn't pay, understand? Casslyn Welch is said to have thrown a pair of wire cutters over the fence at the Arizona State Prison near Kingman last month, and then joined the three fugitives on the lam. They killed two people and set the bodies on fire inside of a camper in New Mexico last week.

A bit of advice: Stay away from Glacier National Park for a little while. Unless, of course, you want to get in on the $40,000 reward for McCluskey and Welch's capture!

Update: A commenter sent us this little added fact from ABC news: "All of the fugitives are believed to be be white supremacists and members of the Aryan Brotherhood."

[Images via AP]