Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Aubrey Plaza reflects upon her days paging at 30 Rock, a misogynistic jerk on Dating in the Dark, a very sore loser onLast Comic Standing, and Christina Hendricks first TV appearance on MTV's Undressed.

A Young Christina Hendricks' Appearance on MTV's Undressed
Undressed was a late night soap that MTV ran from 1999-2002 and it was excruciatingly free of actual undressing. The show was pretty crappy, but it can claim to have given the world its first glimpse of Christina Hendricks.

Aubrey Plaza Revisits Her Days as a 30 Rock Page
Last night, the always charming Aubrey Plaza stopped by the Tonight Show to chat with everyone's least favorite late night host. She dropped anecdotes about her time as a "dark witch" page and her great first impression with Katie Couric.

Reality Television's Latest Despicable Jerk is Dating in the Dark's Joey
Of all the truly awful people on reality shows, Joey's attitude toward women might make him the worst. This guy went on Dating in the Dark with his insane notion that girls must weigh under 100 pounds to be hot.

Losing Comic To People Who Didn't Vote For Him: "F**k You!"
After being voted off a show, most contestants like to take time to thank their fans and supporters. This Last Comic Standing comic said what most of those competitors are really thinking.

Glenn Beck's Mother was MacGyver, Father was Popeye
Gifted with sleight of hand from his mother and what appears to be cake-carving skills and a love of spinach from his father, Glenn Beck used his powers to work in radio and later on in television.