After impressing the nation by giving Lindsay Lohan a stern sentence for breaking probation, Judge Marsha Revel has removed herself from the case after a prosecutor alleged that she'd improperly discussed Lindsay's treatment with outside sources.

Apparently the judge consulted with representatives from a rehab joint called Morningside Recovery. She later ruled that Lindsay should go to the facility for three months, even though it wasn't one of the facilities recommended by experts. Lindsay's lawyer later convinced Revel to change her ruling and send her client to UCLA's rehab program. And when the prosecutor brought up the inappropriate contact between Revel and Morningside, Revel voluntarily removed herself from the case before legal motions were filed. Now Lindsay is going to have to paint "Fuck U" on her fingernails for Judge Elden Fox. We hope he's twice the hard ass Revel was.

[Image via Getty]