Jodie Fisher's days of fame-seeking might be well behind her, but the woman who claimed sexual harassment by Hewlett Packard's CEO is getting pushed further into the limelight: Playboy has now posted online 16 pictures from a 1980 Fisher shoot.

Decades before Fisher spent illicitly-funded dinners with HP CEO Mark Hurd, she posed for the Sept. 1980 Playboy feature "Girls of the Southwest Conference," as we reported last night.

Only one picture, which we posted yesterday, ran in the magazine. But Playboy has now posted an additional 15 shots of Fisher from the same shoot for members of its premium website. (The magazine is also making three of the semi-nude pictures available as a free preview.) Two of the pictures involve cowboy hats, in keeping with the theme of the issue; one involves Fisher in what could pass for a Texas Tech dorm room; none involve much covering for Fisher's bare chest.

The Playboy shoot kicked off an adult career for Fisher involving soft-core movies like Body of Influence 2.

Fisher, now 50, reportedly went on to build a career in sales and marketing, which brought her into the employ of at least one Fortune 500 company aside from HP, where she was working as a contractor when the Hurd scandal unfolded.

Hurd has admitted to, at the very least, filing false expense claims for some dinners with Fisher; HP says he also took money for non-legitimate business expenses and effectively covered up his "personal relationship" with Fisher. Fisher, meanwhile, accused Hurd of sexual harassment, a claim shot down by HP's board but was later settled between Hurd and Fisher. She has simultaneously said there was no "affair or intimate sexual relationship" between them.

The upshot, for Hurd, was getting pushed out of his job, embarrassed on the national stage — and taking home a $28 million severance package.

For Fisher, it's been that undisclosed settlement, the mortification of the Hurd situation, and the repercussions of having her adult career unearthed. It seems doubtful that balances out to anywhere near $28 million minus indignities, even if there were somehow a positive upshot to her skin pics returning to national circulation. But Fisher's been on the crappy end of her relationship with Hurd pretty much from the start. There was plenty of fallout after Fisher brought down the CEO, but that doesn't erase the fact that she did so in the first place — and thereby make the score between her and her funny Valentine at least a bit more even.


Playboy's sister site, The Smoking Jacket, has posted the biographical questionnaire Fisher filled out in conjunction with the shoot. It doesn't look like her dream of being dean of Harvard Law school is going to work out, but hopefully she'll manage the convertible Mercedes, at least.

[Photos via]