Which of Mischa Barton's Friends Sold Pictures of Her Smoking Pot?

Someone on Mischa's yacht is a mole—is no starlet in St. Tropez is safe? Christina Ricci says Rob Pattinson is an "awesome" kisser. Ke$ha was a band geek. Hilary Duff is getting hitched. TGIFriday gossip.
- Who sold pictures of Mischa Barton smoking a joint to the press? Photos of Mischa sucking and blowing on a St. Tropez yacht appeared in paparazzi photo services yesterday, but as Lainey Gossip points out, the real mystery isn't what she's smoking, but who sold her out. "These are not pap shots.... Look at the angle of these photos, the distance, or lack of distance, between subjects. No, these are 'friend' photos, intended for Facebook or some shit, and then sold for a dimebag to an agency. Just like the set of photos of Lindsay Lohan sitting beside a rail in the South of France during the Cannes film festival." Like thieves, there is no honor between starfuckers on a yacht. If I were Mischa, I'd be more upset about getting caught in those granny shorts, anyway. [LaineyGossip, image via INF]
- Robert Pattinson is "pretty much awesome" at kissing, says his Bel Ami costar Christina Ricci. Moments later, a mob of raving twihards rended her limb from limb. [E!]
- Hilary Duff is getting married this weekend. Her hockey star husband-to-be Mike Comrie had his bachelor party at L.A. club Trousdale, which means there were no strippers, but there was a VIP booth and booze. "Mike was pretty well behaved." [P6]
- Ke$ha was a band geek in high school. Of course. [MSNBC]
- Kelsey Grammer's leaving his beauty queen third wife for an even younger lass, but it's not so bad! Camille Donatacci stands to earn $30 million from the divorce. They were married for thirteen years, so that's $2.3 million per year. [P6]
- PeeWee Herman still wants to clear his name from that pesky 1991 public masturbation arrest: "Had we gone to trial, we had ready an expert from the Masters and Johnson Institute who was going to testify that in 30 years of research on masturbation the institute had never found one person who masturbated with his or her non-dominant hand," he tells Playboy, the masturbatorium of magazines. Also: "Masters and Johnson"? I thought he was joking, but apparently they are real people, who founded an inconveniently named human sexuality research center. And: No right-handed person has ever taken a pass with lefty? [Fox411]
- Jennifer Aniston responded to Bill O'Reilly's claim that her support for single mothers was irresponsible, and I was hoping for a claws-out catfight, but instead got this: "Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth. And, of course, many women dream of finding Prince Charming (with fatherly instincts), but for those who've not yet found their Bill O'Reilly, I'm just glad science has provided a few other options." [People]
- Scarlett Johansson bought a $2.8 million home in L.A. with husband Ryan Reynolds. Their two-year anniversary is in September. [Us]
- Katherine Heigl and husband Josh Kelley have moved from L.A. to Utah. Apparently they hated L.A.; Josh says the only thing he'll miss is his favorite golf course. [Us]
- Lindsay Lohan left jail early, and she's expected to leave rehab early, too, based on her doctor's advice. [Radar]
- Angelina Jolie on tomboy daughter Shiloh's preferred mode of dress: "It's not my choice. I have a very strong-willed four-year-old girl who tells me what she wants to wear and I let her be who she is." Zahara, on the other hand, "dresses very much like a girl, very pink andflowery, very feminine." [Us]