Media's Fanciest Couple Hit the Celeb Cruise Circuit
Highfalutin' editor Tina Brown and her even more highfalutin' husband, "Sir" Harold Evans the Elder, are the featured guests on an upcoming one of those celebrity cruise things. How delightfully low-rent!
Two whole god damn weeks in the Carribean, with no hope of escape! From the press release:
DMI's Journeys by Design program, in collaboration with Virtuoso® luxury travel network, will offer exclusive fourteen nights of unparalleled sophisticated pleasure with private Q&A sessions, personal book signings and lectures from the celebrated couple on their careers and best-selling books... Rates start at $4,498 per person for the seven-night cruise, and also include complimentary copies of both authors' latest books.
Tina, next time you need cash to get out of town for a while, just say something. There is no shame in asking for help.
[Pic: Getty]