Ready to cringe? Videos of Lindsay Lohan hawking "facebook messages" for a company have just surfaced. We can't figure out who'd want to send these to our troops—or if this is worse than her ad for Fornarina jeans.

Cameo stars, the company behind the ads, describes their service as follows:

Cameo Stars takes the fun of celebrity cameos to a whole new level by enabling today's top entertainers and athletes to make virtual cameo appearances right in your and your friends' everyday lives, where they come to life right in your social network profile or mobile device!

Have stars like Carmen Electra, Tony Romo, and Reggie Bush poke or taunt your friends with fun messages anytime, or make special visits on birthdays and holidays. Or collect your favorite Cameos all for yourself (especially the rare ones)!

BONUS! TMZ has released a blooper reel. Watch it below:

[There was a video here]