Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Jonas Brothers invade Fox & Friends, Spring Break on Dinah Shore, a friend of the Craigslist Killer speaks,The Soup examines everything that's wrong with America, and a woman who can't remember anything past the year 1994.

What's Wrong With America? Booze, Hot Pants, Cheetos, Mountain Dew, and Montana Fishburne's Porn Career
The Soup highlighted all of America's biggest issues. Glenn Beck thinks it's all about Mountain Dew and Cheetos, Nancy Grace blames the booze and hot pants, and Joel McHale is just concerned about Montana Fishburne's best-selling porn.

Best of the Jonas Brothers' Visit to Fox and Friends
Double entendres! Camp Rock 2! Panning shots of an excited audience composed of toddlers and teens! Road Dogs! Tiger Beat! Over fifteen minutes of visual goodies edited down to less than four for your viewing pleasure enclosed. Ronald Reagan!

Woman Can't Remember Anything After 1994 Car Accident
Today introduced us to Michelle Philpots, who can't remember anything since 1994 due to a horrible car accident. In this video, you'll realize that your problems aren't nearly as bad as hers, but just how rare her condition really is.

The Real L Word Cast Goes to Dinah Shore, Debauchery Ensues
Known as "spring break for lesbians," Dinah Shore is a getaway in Palm Springs where lesbians go to party. It's a crazy party and not the preferred atmosphere for all lesbians, but everyone definitely found some entertainment while there.

Friend of Philip Markoff Gives Deeper Insight into the Craigslist Killer
Today on the Early Show, Morgan Houston stopped by to talk about Philip Markoff, who was once a good friend of hers. She looks back at his sometimes violent actions towards her and wonders if she should have realized he was dangerous.