Hapless Senate Armed Services Chairman Gets Pie in the Face

Where have the crazy town hall protests been during this summer congressional recess? One of the few incidents we've seen happened in Michigan today, when old Sen. Carl Levin, chair of the Armed Services Committee, got pie'd.
Levin isn't the biggest fan of America's proud endless warfare policy. But for now, he's still writing the checks, making him a fair target for pie attackers. A 23-year-old activist named Ahlam Mohsen ambushed the old penguin-man today for this reason, and was arrested for assault and battery. Carl Levin really didn't like how she considered nine years of bombing various Muslim countries to be war crimes.
"I hold meetings like this morning's so I can hear the views of Michiganians, and I'm more than willing to hear from people who disagree with me," Levin said. "But at the end of a great meeting this morning, two young people took advantage of the gathering to read a long statement accusing senators of war crimes, and one of the young people threw a pie in my face. They didn't hurt me, but they hurt their cause even more than their own extreme words had already done."
Well, if your "cause" is try people for war crimes, then reading your argument aloud is a pretty good way to promote it. And throwing pies at people is just a fun summer activity, for all Americans.
[Image via AP]