Inside the Private Planes of Arms Dealers and Heads of State

There's "flying first-class" rich. And then there's "I own the damn airplane" rich. For three decades, photographer Nick Gleis has been capturing the spaceship-like interiors of planes owned by the second category—from arms dealers to heads of state.
Gleis' photographs are featured in the Brighton Photography Biennial, which is intended to focus on the state of the economy. He's been taking photos of the planes of the super-rich for 30 years, working for people like arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, whose plane Gleis photographed in 1984. (Khashoggi's plane was stripped and sold in 1986 when he "suffered financial problems" shortly after its completion.)
Click to viewGleis, who says he was trained by the legendary photographer Ansel Adams, won't reveal—for privacy/security reasons—which planes belong to which clients, but he's done work for heads of state and VIPs in places from Cameroon to China—and, of course, royalty and movie stars, all of whom can order bound photograph albums of their plane from his website. What a nice gift! If you own a plane.