Al Qaeda Magazine Publisher Faces Charges

A grand jury convened yesterday to see if 24-year-old North Carolina blogger Samir Khan could be charged with terrorism offenses after he created the English-language jihadi magazine Inspire, with stories like "Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom."
NPR spoke with sources connected to the case, and former acquaintances of Khan's, some of whom have received grand jury subpoenas. Among the charges being considered are providing material support to a terrorist organization and conspiracy to commit murder overseas. He apparently wasn't the most popular guy around, either: "Samir had very few friends around here, maybe one or two friends," a spokesman for the Islamic Center in Charlotte told NPR.
Khan flew to Yemen last year and disappeared, and he eventually published Inspire, the English-language magazine that offered tips on how to correctly pack before heading off to learn the tricks of the trade in Al Qaeda training camps, among other useful information. Ah, the kids these days... they just don't make zines like they used to.