This week, our "Meet a Gawker.TV Intern" series focuses on Emily Chen, another one of our fantastic team of summer interns.

How did you learn about the Gawker.TV internship program?
When I saw that Gawker.TV was looking for more interns here, I asked a friend that interned here last year about it.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I still don't have a set career goal, but probably something in the field of media or PR. If that doesn't pan out, I can see myself in the distant future with a coffee shop/bookstore, mainlining coffee and baking cupcakes.

What is your all time favorite TV Show?
It's probably a tie between Arrested Development and Pushing Daisies. Why are the good ones always canceled?

What is your favorite post on Gawker.TV?
Probably the Return of Even Stepvhen and Double Rainbow Guy: The Remix.

What experiences did you hope to gain from this internship?
I hoped to learn about video editing with which I had no previous experience.

Did your Gawker.TV internship live up to your expectations? How so?
Definitely. I never though that I would love this internship as much mas I do now. I've learned so much more than I expected, I'm working with amazing people and honestly, there is never a boring day here.

Was there something in particular that you learned from this internship that you didn't know before you started?
Video capture and editing are the two main skills that I can think of.

What has been your favorite part about your internship?
My favorite part is that I can take something I like doing anyway (watching TV) and make it productive. It's something that very few people ever get to do.

What skills do you feel you've gained as a result of this internship?
Besides video editing, I picked up basic HTML through scheduling posts. Also, I learned how to effectively promote my work and have honed some serious time management skills.

What was the biggest surprise you encountered interning at Gawker.TV?
The biggest surprise for me was how involved all the interns get with different projects. We help with things like event planning and social media outreach, not just adding to the site content. Everything that
you do is important and its a great feeling when you see your work pay off.

How does this internship differ from any other previous internships you might have had in the past?
Plain and simple: I just enjoy what I am doing here so much more. Everyone helps each other and it feels like a real team. I have so many opportunities to show my work and to learn brand new skills. There's no hand holding or micromanaging and any criticism is always constructive.

If you could, would you intern here all over again?
Yes! Is that an option?

Would you recommend interning for Gawker.TV to others?

Do you have any tips or advice you would give future Gawker.TV interns?
Don't be afraid to ask questions! Also, take every opportunity to get involved with a project, but make sure that you know when you're getting overwhelmed.

Do you have any ideas on how we can improve the internship program?
Nothing in particular that I can think of.

What do you hope to do once you finish your internship?
Finish my senior year at NYU, get another internship as amazing as this one, and eventually a job that I like as much as this internship. My fingers are crossed on the last one.

Any regrets?
Nope, not a single one.

Follow Emily on Twitter @sleepypandachen, on tumblr, and email her here.

If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Gawker.TV send an email to for more information.