Sarah Palin took to her Twitter today, the 90th anniversary of women's suffrage, to philosophize on an age-old lady issue: Feminists. What are they? According to Palin, little more than a "cackle of rads."

Click to viewPalin, the only major politician who intentionally tweets made-up or misused words and then plays victim to liberal snobbery — a technique that doesn't necessarily work — tweeted today, "Who hijacked term:"feminist"?A cackle of rads who want 2 crucify other women w/whom they disagree on a singular issue; it's ironic (& passé)".

What the dickens is a "cackle of rads"?

  • Cabal of radicals
  • The best punk band you've never heard of
  • The most violent of the violent English soccer hooligans
  • Enviable laughter emanating from the cool kids' table
  • Illiterate nonsense from some idiot's Twitter feed
  • A series of words meaning nothing, but which can be put on t-shirts

Anyway, happy voting anniversary to all the gals out there! Now stop asking for things, okay?

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