Mark Zuckerberg's email ghostwriter has ditched him. Who is going apologize for the Facebook CEO's privacy sins now?

Kate Losse is out at Facebook. Her name surfaced amid scores of other early employees mentioned by GigaOM's Liz Gannes in a post about an "exodus" from the social network. Gannes called Losse a departing product manager, but neglected to mention her other work for the company: Losse is said to have written most of Mark Zuckerberg's emails during her recent tenure as ghostwriter for the co-founder. Odds are, an ex employee told us, she's the one who wrote an email to tech blogger Robert Scoble earlier this year declaring "I know we've made a bunch of mistakes" in rolling back user privacy.

When Losse wasn't doing that, the former customer service rep headed up Facebook's internationalization, i.e. the translation of its interface to other languages. She even got her name on a patent application for her trouble. Facebook, you see, is known to use engineers to fill even non-engineering jobs like ghostwriter. So the translation job was likely a sideline to the ghostwriting job. Or vice versa. Either way, Losse apparently got tired of handling Zuckerberg's all-too-apologetic email stream and decided to move on to other things beyond Facebook. Not a bad idea, that.