Confessions: Animal Hoarding: Flossie and Cristine
The fifth episode of Confessions:Animal Hoarding continued profiling and attempting to help people who hoard animals, and the effects it has on not only their life, but those around them. This episode featured Flossie and Cristine.

Flossie is a single woman who lives alone on a small country plot. She shares her home with 22 dogs, 8 cats, a horse, a pig, and a raccoon(No word on what happened to the partridge). Flossie has a daughter who lives nearby with her life partner, Kendall, and three children. Kendall does not like bringing the children over to see Flossie and the animals because she needs to spray the children down with bug spray before visiting, and also the condition of Flossie's home. Due to the amount of animal waste, the floor has begun to literally fall apart, and to avoid falling through, one must take car to walk where there are floor beams. Flossie also can not afford medication for her animals, which eventually results in the death of a puppy.

Cristine is a 60 year old 7 time divorcee who has 35 cats and 9 dogs. After her last divorce, she took in a stray, and the problem has escalated from there. She does not cosider herself a hoarder, and vehemently denies it, stating she is a "rescuer". She works most of the day and has an hour long commute each way. When she gets home, she barely has enough time to clean up after the animals, feed them, and do what she needs to before she goes to sleep. She takes very good care of her animals which costs thousands of dollars in vet visits. In stark contrast to the care she provides her animals is the condition of her home. Almost everything is broken, even the kitchen sink! The final straw is when she begins receiving citations from the local animal control, as local laws only allow her a total of 4 animals. Yet, she still searches the road that she travels to work for any animals that may need her "rescuing."

GitEmSteveDave is the Jersey of JerseyCam and lives on a horse farm in NJ. He is a prolific commenter on many of the Gawker sites, and since he started commenting in June of 2007, has over 25,000 comments under his belt. He schedules his day around what TV shows are on, and can remember almost every movie/TV show he has watched. And currently, he is single. Weird, huh? Find him at