Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski's surprising, all-but-finalized primary defeat in Alaska last night to the Palin-backed upstart Joe Miller may have opened a November pickup opportunity for Democrats! Sadly, the Democratic party doesn't even know who its candidate is.

Republican rapid-responders are obviously spreading this video around like hotcakes. It shows Democratic National Committee communications director Brad Woodhouse missing a fairly important fact from his Alaska Senate race fact-sheet:

"If Republicans are going to say whatever they need to do to win, I think we might be in better shape than people think." But when Woodhouse was asked to name the Democratic Senate candidate in Alaska, which is a strong Republican hold, he was at a loss. Eventually he responded, "Well, our candidate in Alaska...his name is not Lisa Murkowski."

The Democratic candidate's name, if anyone even cares, is Scott McAdams. He's the mayor of Sitka. Hopefully Brad Woodhouse is sending him some chocolates or flowers or "campaign money" today, because he probably hurt his feelings.