This week, our "Meet a Gawker.TV Intern" series focuses on Lissette, another one of our fantastic team of summer interns.

How did you learn about the Gawker.TV internship program?
My friend and former Gawker.TV intern, Alison Flood recommended that I apply to the internship program.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanna be like Mike.

What is your all-time favorite TV Show?
I was obsessed with the WB network growing up, and Felicity was just the bee's knees for me.

What is your favorite post on Gawker.TV?
I loved pulling clips from The View—these ladies made my job so easy!

What experiences did you hope to gain from this internship?
I wanted to learn about the technical side (primarily video editing) of blogging.

Did your Gawker.TV internship live up to your expectations? How so?
My internship with Gawker.TV exceeded my expectations! It turned out to be so much more than just watching TV and pulling clips, and I appreciate that.

Was there something in particular that you learned from this internship that you didn't know before you started?
I honed my writing skills in terms of writing for a Web audience.

What has been your favorite part about your internship?
I enjoyed meeting my fellow TV nerds through Gawker.TV meet-ups, networking events, etc.

What skills do you feel you've gained as a result of this internship?
I can edit video like nobody's business!

What was the biggest surprise you encountered interning at Gawker.TV?
The Gawker "environment" can be a bit intimidating at first, but everyone I've encountered was great and patient and supportive.

How does this internship differ from any other previous internships you might have had in the past?
I felt like the senior staff treated us as peers, and my opinion and input was respected.

If you could, would you intern here all over again?

Would you recommend interning for Gawker.TV to others?
Yes; if you want to get a lot of hands on experience and work with a cool, supportive staff, then this internship is up your alley.

Do you have any tips or advice you would give future Gawker.TV interns?
Take initiative and take on responsibilities outside your comfort zone—you will gain more at the end of the internship.

Do you have any ideas on how we can improve the internship program?
I think the program is pretty great as it is.

What do you hope to do once you finish your internship?
Wherever my writing takes me, I will go—and if I can watch a few good shows along the way, even better!

Any regrets?

Follow Lissette on Twitter @, on tumblr, and email her here.

If you or someone you know is interested in interning at Gawker.TV send an email to for more information.