A group of German filmmakers were in town shooting a commercial and spent their downtime making this killer short film about life in New York. It's like the best home movie of a New York visit you'll ever see.

Shot by Thomas Noesner of the production company Stereoscreen with a soundtrack by Tussaint (which is a remix of a beat created by a subway drummer), The Beat of New York is a little heavy on the more touristy places in the city: Midtown, SoHo, the bridges, the subway, Riverside Park, the 42nd Street McDonald's. It's not that residents don't go to those places, it's just that they don't have the same awe for them that visitors do. But what will catch your eye is the attention they pay to all the people, great and small, that are seen around the city on a daily basis. That and the pace, constant motion, and feeling of living in a place that is constantly in flux. Sometimes it takes a visitor to really capture the essence of home.