The Model Who Had His Ear Bitten Off by a Drag Queen Lost His Ear Again

Remember Ronnie Brown, the model who lost an ear to a drag queen in a vicious bar brawl three weeks ago? Doctors initially reattached Brown's ear following the incident. But the procedure didn't work and his ear fell off again.
Brown tells us that he was out at a club earlier this week when he noticed there was something wrong with the ear and grew concerned it was bleeding again. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that the piece of flesh appeared to be separating from the healthy part of the lobe. He returned to Bellevue Hospital and doctors took the stitches out, but soon decided that the tissue was dead and couldn't be reattached. The hospital is now preserving it for legal purposes, he says, since charges have been filed against James Leahy, the drag queen known as Jane Lane who allegedly bit off part of Brown's ear in the fight. (Leahy is scheduled to appear in court in November.)

In the meantime, Brown is scheduled for reconstructive surgery on September 23. Doctors will—as he explains it—take collagen from his nose and skin from his neck in an attempt to give him something that looks like the ear he lost. He says because of the injury he isn't working any fashion shows during Fashion Week next week, and his future as a model will be likely be determined by how successful his upcoming surgery is.
The whole ordeal has also taken an emotional toll, he says, adding that he's now in therapy and taking antidepressants. He says, "It's taken a huge chunk out of me. It's not just losing the ear, it's the whole thing." You can say that again, mister.
Meet the Marauding Drag Queen Who Bit Off Someone's Ear
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