Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin and frequently-sobbing Fox News host Glenn Beck are appearing together in "the largest venue in Anchorage," Alaska. On 9/11. OMG: Is Sarah Palin going to announce her presidential candidacy? (Probably not.)

Has your wacky aunt with the dangly earrings already sent you Vanity Fair's new profile of Orwell scholar Sarah Palin? It's pretty hilarious! (Though, you should probably take it with a grain of salt, as some of the anecdotes appear to be dubiously sourced.) Buried amidst the sitcom-like stories of what sounds like the world's most awkward campaign is the nugget that Glenn Beck "has booked the Dena'ina Center, the largest venue in Anchorage, for a speech on September 11, 2010."

Beck himself has confirmed that he'll be there with Palin. So what are they doing? Probably not announcing a Palin-for-President campaign (a Palin spokesperson calls that rumor "ridiculous"), and almost definitely not announcing a Palin-Beck ticket. So what could they be doing? Some possibilities:

  • 9/11 memorial
  • Support the troops event
  • Restoring Alaska's Honor rally
  • Song-and-dance revue
  • Allan Kaprow-style "Happening"
  • Some kind of bullshit business venture involving the gold standard
  • Two-person production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats
  • Weird sex thing
  • Def Comedy Jam
  • Spin Doctors cover band
  • Foam party

What else could they be up to? Leave your baseless speculation in the comments!

[AllahPundit/Hot Air via Alex Pareene; Vanity Fair]