A former Washington Post reporter is said to writing a comprehensive profile of Mark Zuckerberg. Comprehensive enough, maybe, to include the old romantic entanglement Zuckerberg just fibbed about. Prepare to do a little more sweating, Mark.

The public narrative of 26-year-old Zuckerberg's dating life has basically been the story of Priscilla Chan, the comely medical school student he met at Harvard and later lured out to California. It's a sweet, romantic and simple timeline that Zuckerberg likes to perpetuate. Hey, a guy's got to keep the peace on the homefront, right? Maybe that explains the white lie he told at the Computer History Museum earlier this summer:

As an example of fiction, they wrote the movie and said that I was creating Facebook to get girls. I've been dating the same girl since even before Facebook.

Oh, Mark. That's adorable but untrue! Actually, Zuckerberg dated an unnamed UC Berkeley undergraduate during a break in his relationship with Chan, business reporter David Kirkpatrick wrote in The Facebook Effect, his recent tome on the company. Chan was still at Harvard, and Zuckerberg was running Facebook in Palo Alto, and he was apparently going through a mack daddy phase: He bought a shiny black Infiniti and named it "the Warthog" while dating this mystery girl. (Who, by the way, he met only because he had invented Facebook, which contradicts what he said at the museum but which significantly ups his cred among fellow bros.)

Oddly, Zuckerberg made his dating fib during a public Q&A with Kirkpatrick, who didn't bother to correct the Facebook CEO. But now Huffington Post tech editor and former WaPo scribe Jose Antonio Vargas is reportedly writing an in-depth profile of Zuckerberg — a profile that may well delve into his dating life.

Zuckerberg's granted Vargas access to his inner circle, according to Kara Swisher at All Things D, so he might just skip the tough questions: Who is this mystery ex? Has she "friended" Chan or, worse, "poked" her? Is it possible she's a spy for Russia or — more terrifying — Google? Is she secretly to blame for Facebook Beacon, somehow? What did she know and when did she know it?

Facebook's privacy rollbacks have given Zuckerberg something of a credibility problem, but we've got a solution: Tell us what you know, dear readers, about this secret ex and possible Berkeley radical and we'll help the gifted young CEO come clean. There are worse secrets than possibly, briefly being a player in your early 20s, as we suspect Zuck now knows.

[Photo of Zuckerberg on a visit to Berkeley via Mathieu Thouvenin/Flickr]