Does Paris Hilton's Twitter Prove the Cocaine-Filled Purse Was Hers?

When Las Vegas police found a bag of cocaine in her purse, Paris Hilton said the purse belonged to a friend. But earlier this summer, she tweeted a picture of her "new Chanel purse." Did Twitter just solve a crime?
People notes that the spangly Chanel purse that appears in TMZ's Paris Hilton arrest photos appeared a month ago in Paris' Twitter feed.

Compare it to the purse TMZ photographed at the time of Paris' arrest:

Between Paris' cocaine purse and every fool who's been caught cheating on Facebook, it's time we come up with a term to describe people whose get caught in lies by social media. In blogrante delicto? Come up with something better in the comments. [People, TMZ, @parishilton, inset via Getty]