Florida's Dove World Outreach Center, the insane church that's planning a Koran-burning festival for 9/11, will go ahead with it for now, despite a rare warning from Gen. David Petraeus about their actions inciting waves of anti-American violence overseas.

The usually reserved Petraeus, commander of the Afghanistan war effort, told the AP over the weekend that "images of the burning of a Quran would undoubtedly be used by extremists in Afghanistan - and around the world - to inflame public opinion and incite violence." In response, Dove's top pastor, Terry Jones, said his church was still committed to the plans, but he's "praying" anyway, just in case God changes his mind at the last minute:

"We have firmly made up our mind, but at the same time, we are definitely praying about it," said Jones said.

"We are definitely weighing the situation. We are weighing the thing that we're about to do. What it possibly could cause. What is our actual message. What are we trying to get across."

These are all important questions for Jones to consider as he makes his final decision. But so are: What about the caterers? The florists? Do they have 48-hour cancellation policies, or are we already on the hook?