One may have thought their colorful instructional video was just for entertainment purposes, but Major Lazer brought the realness to their Electric Zoo performance last weekend. Ladder included, to get that proper daggering leverage.

Just one of many exhilarating acts at the festival, the Major Lazer set was particularly memorable... While most other performers left the dancing to the audience, they took the art of the dance into their own hands. And how!

Another absolute highlight of the festival was the Chemical Brothers, who blew everyone away with their visual spectacular, as I imagined they would. But it was definitely something I have never seen the likes of before. A video of the craziness can be found here:

(May need to forward to find the good stuff, unless you have 14 minutes to zone out and get carried away... But either way.)

Other photos of the weekends' festivities can be found at Made Event. Hopefully next year will bring even more dazzling visual eye candy—and maybe even some taller ladders.