Here we have South Carolina Senate president pro-tempore Glenn McConnell dressed up in a Confederate general's costume, alongside two African-Americans in "historical" garb. Oh man. What kind of slave party were they throwing down in Charleston, recently?

FITSNews' Will Folks — the blogger who claimed a few months ago that he'd had an affair with South Carolina Republican gubernatorial nominee Nikki Haley (what ever happened with those accusations?) — found some intriguing public photos on Facebook taken at the National Federation of Republican Women's Board of Directors conference in Charleston last weekend. One of the events (as listed on the NFRW's itinerary) was this party, called "A Southern Experience," located at a country club, the address for which is literally "One Country Club Drive, Charleston, SC."

Folks has posted several more "antebellum"-themed party photos from Facebook. Here's old Confederate General Glenn McConnell dancing with his belle, while some guy in the background does his own thing:

The African-Americans are historical re-enactors. Hopefully they had a good time and were paid well. Or paid at all! (They used to not pay black people for work in the South.)

It's a questionable theme, is all.

Although in South Carolina, citizens are probably used to seeing Glenn McConnell in his favorite Confederate garb.

[via watertiger in #tips]